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Electrician 26-51-H/01

Electrician 26-51-H/01 falls under the full professional qualification, which is intended for candidates who

already work as electricians but do not have a degree. Candidates can also take the qualification,

who wish to expand their employability in business or the labour market.


Graduates of the qualification are prepared to install, repair, maintain and inspect electrical

electrical wiring and equipment. Measure and test various types of electrical machines, appliances and

specialised equipment that uses electrical energy to operate. 

Also, later after gaining experience, he/she may work as a self-employed or inspection technician.


He/she can be employed as an electrician in many jobs such as:

operating electrician, electronic equipment repairer, security electrician.


The graduate obtains a licence according to §6, NV 194/2022 Coll. (formerly Decree 50/1978 Coll. §6).


Advantages of obtaining a full professional qualification:


By obtaining the professional qualification "Electrician", the graduate has the possibility, thanks to Act 179/2006 Coll. and 561/2004 Coll. § 113c "A person with at least basic education has obtained professional qualifications confirming in their totality

the acquisition of all the professional competences established in accordance with the National Qualifications System for the proper performance of all work activities performed within a particular profession, may, even without prior education in a secondary school or conservatory and without prior successful completion of examinations in all subjects or other comprehensive parts of the curriculum established by the framework and school education programme of the relevant field of education for all years of education, obtain a degree of education by successfully passing the final examination, the matriculation examination" i.e. The graduate can proceed directly to the apprenticeship examination at a secondary vocational school without having to complete the previous three years of schooling and thus obtain an apprenticeship certificate almost immediately.


The vocational qualification (retraining) electrician is EQF level 3.

Apprenticeship level.


All those who have passed the exam in the (full) vocational qualification can apply for an addendum to the

professional qualification (EUROPASS).


Benefits of the supplement to the vocational qualification certificate:


- The supplement is issued in English and lists the professional competences of the qualification.

- It is issued free of charge.

- It can be used as an attachment to a CV for employment in the Czech Republic and abroad.


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