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Our publications

Following the needs of the students, it publishes specific publications. Created by our academic staff and experts in their respective fields, these publications are designed to extend and deepen the curriculum imparted to our students. We offer them as an essential source of information to support the academic progress and development of knowledge of our students, who have the opportunity to obtain these materials at no financial cost.

For other interested parties who want to use our publications for their personal or professional development, we have set reasonable prices. These prices vary depending on whether the interested party has printed or PDF versions of our publications, and also depends on the volume of the subscription. We believe our materials will bring value to anyone interested in expanding their knowledge and skills.

More detailed information about available publications, including previews and the ordering process, can be found on this page. We look forward to our publications serving as a valuable resource for all who desire deeper understanding and professional growth.

Available publications:

  • Úvod do programování (Základní orientace v problematice vývoje), CZ, ISBN 978-80-11-04386-5

  • Programování ve skriptovacím jazyku PHP (Ekonomické přínosy I.), CZ, ISBN 987-80-11-04388-9

  • A.I. umělá inteligence, úvod do problematiky a současné trendy (Jak zprovoznit vlastní A.I.), CZ, ISBN 987-80-11-04222-6

  • Programming in PHP scripting language (Economic benefits I.), EN, ISBN 978-80-909154-1-1

  • A.I. Artificial intelligence, introduction to the issues and current trends (How to start your own A.I.), EN, ISBN 978-80-909154-0-4

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